Mycroft Masada is a nonbinary trans and queer Jewish leader with 30 years of experience who moved to Gaithersburg, Maryland (Montgomery County near Washington DC) from their lifelong home of Boston in 2014. A TransEpiscopal Steering Committee member and former Congregation Am Tikva board member, Mycroft is particularly called to pursue LGBTQ+ and fat justice, and is an advocate, organizer, consultant, educator, trainer, writer and artist. They are married to Julia McCrossin, the mas(s)culine fatshion blogger, and with her they co-parent a dogter. Their central online home is

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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Trinity Sunday & Fathers Day

Trinity Sunday and Fathers Day at Episcopal Church of the Ascension. I’m thinking especially about how the Trinity can help us better understand and share the Good News of sex/gender/sexuality and other diversity, including body size/shape diversity. We heard Genesis 1:1-2:4a, in which I believe the Divine creates a sex/gender/otherwise-diverse humanity (

And I learned a hymn that is helpful as well, in thinking and teaching outside the binaries – Brian Wren’s “How Wonderful The Three-In-One”:

How wonderful the Three-in-One,
Whose energies of dancing light
Are undivided, pure and good,
Communing love in shared delight.

Before the flow of dawn and dark,
Creation's Lover dreamed of earth,
And with a caring deep and wise,
All things conceived and brought to birth.

The Lover's own Belov'd, in time,
Between a cradle and a cross,
At home in flesh, gave love and life
To heal our brokenness and loss.

Their Equal Friend all life sustains
With greening pow'r and loving care,
And calls us, born again by grace,
In Love's communing life to share.

How wonderful the Living God:
Divine Beloved, Empow'ring Friend,
Eternal Lover, Three-in-One,
Our hope's beginning, way and end.

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