Are you a UU? As in Unitarian Universalist? Then I hope u and urs can participate in the 5th annual UU Advocacy Day -- TOMORROW! Organized by UU Mass Action Network and UU Urban Ministry, it's part of the Standing On The Side Of Love campaign, and this year's theme is "Protecting Services For The Most Vulnerable". The Transgender Equal Rights Bill is one of the four bills being advocated for!
Unitarian Universalist Advocacy Day -- 5th annual
Wednesday, April 6th, 2011
9:30 a.m. -- coffee at Unitarian Universalist Association headquarters
10:00 a.m. -- training starts at UUA
1:00 p.m. (after lunch) -- advocacy at Massachusetts State House
2:00 p.m. -- end of Day
RSVP / more info -- Sue at SueMassAction@gmail.com | 978.910.0190
Sign up for a $10 lunch --
UU Mass Action Network site (where you can get the flyer, blurb and petition):
Confirmed Speakers: Senator Jehlen (D) SECOND MIDDLESEX, Rev. Lara Hoke, Rev. Catherine Senghas, Rev Fred Small, Urban Ministry Youth, Nancy Banks, Sean Caron (Citizen’s Housing and Planning Association).