![Fat Studies](http://www.tandfonline.com/na101/home/literatum/publisher/tandf/journals/content/ufts20/2013/ufts20.v002.i02/ufts20.v002.i02/20130522-01/ufts20.v002.i02.cover.jpg)
Derp! I forgot to say that the special issue of Fat Studies : An Interdisciplinary Journal of Body Weight and Society on Visual Representations of Fat and Fatness came out in May. And you can see 4 of the 11 parts for free. I was one of the reviewers for a piece that didn't make it -- it did need editing, but was a good idea and well done, so hopefully the writer will publish it somewhere soon. (I really wish I could tell you about it, but the writers don't know who their reviewers are, and vice versa.) And I was included in the Thanks to Reviewers.