Happy 2010!!
Do you, like me, want to end discrimination based on height and weight?
Here in Massachusetts, a height and weight anti-discrimination bill is being reintroduced in the legislature! An Act Making Discrimination On The Basis Of Weight And Height Unlawful -- House Bill 1850. This bill would amend current state laws prohibiting discrimination in the areas of employment, housing, and public accommodations on the basis of race, color, religious creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or ancestry -- by adding height and weight to the list of unlawful forms of discrimination.
The bill is having a public hearing before the Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development THIS COMING Wednesday, January 27th:
Wednesday, January 27th, 2010
10:30 a.m.
Hearing Room A-2
Massachusetts State House
Beacon Street ~ Boston
(MBTA - Park Street / Downtown Crossing)
This civil rights bill is being reintroduced by Representative Byron Rushing -- one of the
primary sponsors of An Act Relative To Gender-Based Discrimination And Hate Crimes (HB 1728 / SB 1687), which would add “gender identity or expression” to our laws and finally give
civil rights to transgender and all citizens. Rushing is a longtime and wonderful social justice leader.
How you can help:
1) Attend the hearing
2) Testify at the hearing
3) Whether or not you attend or testify, submit your supportive testimony as a letter to:
a) Representative Cheryl Coakley-Rivera
House Chair, Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development
State House -- Room 39
Boston, MA 02133
b) Senator Thomas McGee
Senate Chair, Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development
State House -- Room 112
Boston, MA 02133
c) Rep. Rushing's Legislative Aide, Tracy Choi: Tracy.Choi@state.ma.us – she is also the contact for more information, by email or phone – 617.722.2006
4) If you are a constituent of a committee member, call or email them -- tell them you support this bill and ask them to support it: http://www.mass.gov/legis/comm/j43.htm
5) If you are a constituent of a sponsor of the bill, call or email them – thank them for sponsoring the bill: http://www.mass.gov/legis/bills/house/186/ht01pdf/ht01850.pdf
6) Ask others to do all of the above – feel free to use this message
for their help!
Shabbat shalom,
Mycroft Masada Holmes
Co-Chair, Interfaith Coalition for Transgender Equality (ICTE)
Acting Chair, Training Working Group, Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC)
Emeritus Founding Chair, Transgender Working Group (TWiG), Keshet