Today is the 3rd annual DC Queer Studies Symposium (DC as in District of Columbia, the American capital city Washington). It's a one-day conference, being held at the University of Maryland, College Park campus. And it's free and open to the public. It's presented by DC Queer Studies.
My partner, Julia McCrossin, is presenting her paper "Supersize Fetish" during one of the Concurrent Graduate Symposium Sessions:
Perverted Flesh: Articulating Desire at the Margins
Moderator: Robert McRuer, George Washington University, English
Disability, Intimacy, and Cripple Performance: Re-Imagining the Nineteenth-Century Female Homosocial Bond
Rachel Vorona, George Washington University, English
Capture the Pedophile, Capture the Child: The Aesthetics and Politics of the Child in Nude Photography
Perry Guevara, Emory University, English
Supersize Fetish
Julia McCrossin, George Washington University, English
Click here to read the paper she's presenting, as published this month in the online journal Prefix:
Mazel tov to her and all!
Shabbat shalom,
Mycroft Masada Holmes
Co-Chair, Interfaith Coalition for Transgender Equality (ICTE)
Acting Chair, Training Working Group, Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC)
Emeritus Founding Chair, Transgender Working Group (TWiG), Keshet
You are much too wonderful for posting this on your blog, dearest. Thank you (and wish you could have been there)!
<3 J
Eeeeeeee! You're welcome, and thank you for this lovely comment.
Thanks for linking to this from FB, Mycroft. I'm afraid I skimmed much of the paper due to the late hour, my tired body, and a low tolerance for academic language, but what I skimmed seemed kick-ass to me. :-)
I'm a fat woman (well, you know that, but other readers might not), and I always find it helpful when my internalized fat phobia is challenged. It's a toxicity that I've been trying to counter for a long time now.
Thank you, Julia, for reminding me of the beauty of rounded curves and generous expanses of body. I can never hear it often enough.
Wow! This is so awesome! Thank you very much!
: - )) M
Thank you for your kind words, and for taking the time to read the piece. Fighting internalized fat phobia is a lifetime journey, and I wish it wasn't such a hard journey.
My best to you, and thank you again for your spot on comments.
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