Shana Tova, Good Year. Yom Huledet Sameach, Happy Birth Day. It is Erev Tu BiShvat and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Night, and last night there was a Super Blood Wolf Moon, a total eclipse of the Moon but not the heart. Ḥamisha Asar BiShvat, Fifteenth Of Shvat; Rosh HaShanah La’Ilanot, the New Year of the Trees; the Birth Day of the Trees. Last April it was 50 years since Rev. Dr. King was assassinated, and this month he would have been 90; next month is Black History Month. May his memory be a blessing, and blessed be the True Judge, as we say in Judaism.
Nu, the Birth Day of the Trees is not to be confused with the birthday of the Trews – the trans Jews. We were born on the Sixth Day along with everyone else – including people of all body sizes and shapes, dis/abilities, sexes / genders / sexualities, races, spiritualities and so on. And yet even when everyone is included in the Beloved Community, the human community remains but a small branch of the Tree of Life, on this our Earth and probably in the rest of our Universe as well. Yet although there are still many more trees than people, there are less trees today than at any time since humans began to exist, and we take the lives of billions of trees every day.
Tonight, tomorrow, and every day and night, may we center climate justice and racial justice as we schlep towards tikkun olam, world repair, at the intersections with LGBTQI+, immigration, spiritual, fat, disability, and all other stripes of the rainbow of justice. Amen!
#TuBiShvat #TuBiShvat5779 #MLK #MLKDay #MLK2019 #MLK90
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