Fenway Health is having its fifth annual "T-Social" this Thursday. I've attended most or all of the previous T-Socials, and will be attending this one, representing ICTE and helping to represent MTPC and Keshet.
T Social 5:
We Live in a Vibrant Culture
Thursday, March 24th, 2011
6:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Club Cafe -- Moonshine Room
209 Columbus Avenue
Join us for the 5th annual T-Social. Connect with the Boston area’s broad community of transgender, transsexual, genderqueer, gender non-conforming people, cross dressers, friends, and allies of anyone crosses mainstream society’s notions of gender.
Free and open to the public, featuring light fare, door prizes and entertainment.
For more information call Alex at 617.927.6449 or email livingwell@fenwayhealth.org.
Sponsored by Fenway Health's Living Well program and the Boston Public Health Commission.
Fenway page:
Facebook event: