Dear Mycroft, HB 6599: An Act Concerning Discrimination - which would add gender identity to Connecticut's anti-discrimination law - could face its most difficult hurdle as soon as today. We expect the House to vote on the bill eithertoday, Wednesday, May 11 or tomorrow, Thursday, May 12.
Please take a moment right now to follow these quick and easy steps to contact your legislator. Even if your state rep has already heard from you, we must remind them until they vote that HB 6599 must become law in 2011. Once you've followed the steps, please forward this email to your pro-equality friends and family.
Click here to take action and give HB 6599 the push it needs!
If you have any questions or concerns, or need assistance, please emailSally Tamarkin or call 860-247-6090. To learn more,
Thank you, 
Gary Buseck Acting Executive Director |