After taking a break last year, today’s 3rd (Mostly) Annual Maryland Trans*Unity Picnic at Open Door Metropolitan Community Church (a beautiful building in beautiful grounds) was very good indeed.
Thank you, everyone!!! Very special thanks to MD Trans* Unity organizer Ezra Towne and family, who among other things provided this amazing cake -- which not only includes the trans* flag but colors from genderqueer and other community flags!
(And the bakery left out the asterisk, so I made one using a Sharpie on the back of a glass pebble.)
Good fellowship, good food, good games and sidewalk chalk, and good news -- we are finally starting a queer community center for our county (!) -- the MoCo Pride Center.

And a good way to spend my mother's 16th yahrzeit (she passed on 16 years ago today, primarily due to alcoholism).
#MDTransUnity #MarylandTransUnity #picnic #potluck #OpenDoorMCC #BoydsMD #Boyds #MD #Maryland #trans* #transgender #DC #Washington #WashingtonDC #Baltimore #MoCoMD #MontgomeryCountyMD #MontgomeryCounty
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