ICTE sent this message to our Facebook Group today:
Hello and happy 2011!
The Massachusetts Transgender Equal Rights Bill is being refiled this month. To pass it into law this year, we need your support.
MTPC is organizing a Transgender Equal Rights Action Day -- NEXT THURSDAY, January 27th, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Massachusetts State House, Room 167. A week from today!
We need you, transgender people and allies, to ask your legislators to co-sponsor the Transgender Equal Rights Bill.
You can arrive any time between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Come to Room 167 and pick up materials about the bill to bring to your State Representative's and Senator's offices. Go to your Rep's and Senator's offices and ask to speak with someone. After your meeting, return to Room 167 to give your completed legislator meeting form to MTPC.
If you can't arrive before 2:00 p.m., but can before 5:00 p.m., emailgscott@masstpc.org and MTPC will make arrangements with you.
If you can't attend at at all, please call your legislators that day:
Facebook event:
Blog entry / press release on the MTPC site:
Page on the MPTC site:
There isn't a specific faith piece because there isn't a program. But as always, we particularly encourage people of faith to participate, and we ask that clergy and lay leaders come vested and/or wearing other faith flair. I will be there and flaired, and look forward to seeing many of you.
ICTE is planning an awesome 2011 faith campaign for the bill with MTPC and MassEquality, so stay tuned...
Thank you for your support!
Best wishes for your 2011,
Mycroft Masada Holmes
Chair, ICTE
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